Tuesday 25 August 2020

coronavirus mask

 Today me and my mum made a mask on Photoshop.

I never true it but it is a really good app do use.

I made and the title was: Oshani skate park Covid Mack.

Do you like home made mask or a normal mask?


Here is my photo!

Sunday 16 August 2020

American pancakes

Today I am going to make American pancakes.

American pancakes are like NZ pancake but really big and really fluffy.

I think I love them more then NZ pancakes but some people like NZ pancake more.

You mite be wondering why I am make pancake.

It is a activity that my whole class is doing and you mite to.

Here is my american pancakes.


Thursday 6 August 2020

My writing this week

This week I have been doing some writhing about a dinosaur skeleton on the hill. I really like to do genre writhing because it is really fun.
Genre writhing is
What  writhing do you like?
Here is my photo!!!!

My reading this week

This week I have been learning about Ernest Shackleton and that he lied on ice for 500 day.

I had to make a new side about who is the most famous out of Jean Batten,Sir Hillary,Ernest Shackleton.

When I stared to learn about Ernest Shackleton I did not know who he was but now I know how amazing he is.

What thing do you thing about Ernest Shackleton?